Tuesday, October 7, 2014

3 Genres Of Ancient Drama: Tragedy, Comedy, Satyr Plays

There were 3 genres of ancient drama. Tragedy, comedy and satyr plays. (Satyr play – tragicomedy). All genres are very different. Comedy and tragedy were immediately separated because of its difference while satyr plays were based on mythological subject and performed in comic mood. 


Tragedy plays considered as to be the basement for Greek theatre. It became well known in 5th century BC. Upset, angry emotions dominate plays. Greek tragedy stories are based on the ancient rites done in honor of Dionysus. Other thinks that it evolved from dithyrambs (hymn sung by people honored for Dionysus). Thespis was the first person that represented Greek tragedy. Themistius, Choerilus and Pratinas of Phlius were other famous play righters by time.


Greek comedy doesn`t have traces of its origin. It is have three periods, Old Comedy, Middle Comedy and New Comedy. Old and New comedies are still useful in nowadays theatre while Middle comedy is completely lost. Happy, joy, marry emotions dominate the plays.

Greek Theater

Satyr plays had been used to complement the tragedy stories with joy. They were half long of tragedy duration. Normally have gloomy story and funny end. Most plays written by Pratinas og Phlius and continued by his son Aristeas.


The stage was very far from the audience. In that case all costumes and masks that were used for performances were exaggerated. Masks had shown an expression depending on the play either tragedy or comedy. Tragedy masks were showing upset, painful facial expression while comic were smiling. Unfortunately, none of have survived because of its weak substance.

1 comment:

  1. Very good notes Amber. Contextualising the roles and assisting you with approaches to role.
