Sunday, January 17, 2016

Work Experience Log Book 1 Workshop Games and Classroom Work

Next week we are leading the drama workshop, in which we will have a group of 8 people and will play some games and exercises. It should be around 20 minutes long so enough time to play at least 3-4 games and create a short performance.

Some games I found that can be played in a workshop.

Our group talking about the games
  •  Name Game. I think that at the beginning we should play some name games in order to get to know each other. The one I found is very simple and all of us have played it before. So gather everyone in a nice round circle. Then have them say their name and do a gesture starting with the first letter of name. For example "My name is Sarah and I like swimming" and then show the gestures of swimming in the air. Person standing on the right repeats Sarah`s name and her gestures, then says his/her name and does the gesture. That goes around and stops by the person who started it. Then the host can offer if someone wants to shows their good memory skills and do the round again. The game leaders was Sam and Carlos.
  • Splat. We all stand in a circle. Then Divina and Katy explain how to play that game. Divina stands in a circle and then points and shouts at one of the students in a circle. The one who`d been shout at has to bend down and people who stand from his left and right says splat, the one who says it quicker stays in the game and the other one sits down and watches the others. When it`s only two people left in a game they face each others backs. Then Divina explains that they have to make a step each time she says any word except the one she mentioned at the beginning. For example, she said when I say orange, you have to turn around as quickly as possible and shout splat! The one who does it first wins.
  • Eastenders game. Katy leads this game. We all stand in a circle. You have to clap your hands and say Oi! when the circle goes to the right and Get out of my pub! When circle goes to the left. If its your turn, you can change the direction by saying one of these frazes and sending it to opposite direction. Also, you can shout Rickyyyy! And then everyone shouts back Ricky!! Then walks around the room and changes the place,
  • Me and Toyo are leaders of the short workshop where we put people into 5 groups and then I give a paper to each group on which is written either `bad student` or `model student`. Then they have to create a short 2-4 minutes piece related with theme ( which is written on a paper). We decided 5 minutes of preparing should be enough. In case they won`t be ready yet we will give 2 extra minutes. Then after each group performance other groups has to guess what student was it and explain why they think like that. Matthew gives a hand to each group, if needed.
  • After all we summarize what we did and ask them what was the theme of the whole workshop, ask if they could give us any feedback and if they learned anything. 

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